What is a Veteran?
A lot of times the answer to that question depends on whether you know a Veteran or not. Those of us who know Veterans see firsthand the sacrifices they’ve made, the battles they’ve fought and the ongoing struggles they can face every day. Many times, those who don’t know Veterans don’t fully understand what they’ve gone through and what they go through.
Our associate Glenda knows Veterans. Her husband is an Air Force Veteran. Her late ex-husband was a Marine. She has firsthand knowledge. She also sees that Veterans get a bad rap, especially from those who don’t know the challenges that Veterans face.
Glenda wanted to help Veterans the best way she knew how. As a member of Scotts Veterans Network employee resource group, she heard about the opportunity to volunteer at the Central Ohio Veterans Stand Down annual event in Columbus, Ohio. The mission of the group is to improve the lives of Veterans by connecting them to social services and professional resources for success in their personal/professional lives. Glenda headed up the event for the Scotts team, and she also was a logistical planner for the event.
More than 25 ScottsMiracle-Gro associates joined Glenda in helping out Veterans during the event. More than 400 Veterans took part in the day, receiving a variety of services and programming. Glenda hopes the event can be even bigger next year, by getting the word out to more Veterans who need resources.
What is a Veteran?
As Glenda said it, Vets are often misunderstood, but more than anything, we need to remember, they are people. People who served our country, and sometimes need some help in return.