Responsible lawns and green spaces

The definition of what a lawn can be is changing, and we believe that caring for it responsibly is essential.

Flexible solutions for a changing planet

It’s possible to have a great outdoor space to enjoy while being mindful and conscientious about environmental resources. As the leader in the lawn and garden category, we feel a responsibility to help people navigate the challenges of climate and water quality without sacrificing lawns and outdoor green spaces.

We believe our planet is everything. It’s our job to protect and nourish it and to make it a healthy place for all.

Adapting lawns to a changing climate

Lawns are live landscapes that enhance homes and communities, and how they look depends on the regional climate. We offer flexible solutions that enable people to enjoy or reimagine outdoor spaces that work with nature not against it.

Drought-tolerant lawns for the South and Southwest

Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass, St. Augustinegrass, Bahiagrass and Buffalograss are better suited for warmer and drier climates.

Drought-tolerant lawns for the North

Tall Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass are often the best choice for northern climates. These cool-season grasses perform well during drought conditions.

Responsible lawn care for drought

It’s ok if your grass has turned a dull green or brown when it’s hot and dry. There are ways to care for your lawn even during a lack of rain.

Hardscaping in hot and dry climates

A balanced approach to hardscaping–replacing lawns with patios or stone walkways–should include a mix of materials and living plants.

Xeriscaping for a changing environment

Xeriscaping is a style of landscaping that reduces the use of water and encourages outdoor green spaces.

Water-positive landscape designs

We've teamed up with celebrity sustainable landscape designer John Gidding to help you reimagine a yard that uses less water.

Our partners

Through our support for environmental organizations, we’re helping further water stewardship efforts–including responsible lawns, gardens and water use–on a regional and national level.

National Head Start Association
Alliance for Water Efficiency
Kids Gardening - Helping young minds grow
Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens