I’ve spent almost all of my nine years with ScottsMiracle-Gro working in Environmental, Health and Safety. Every day, I aspire to ensure the safety of more than 2,000 workers across North America which, during the COVID-19 pandemic, is now more important than ever.
Outside of my day job though, I work hard to ensure the safety of another group of people that mean the world to me––my family. My role as a mother has taken on a whole new set of challenges and exciting opportunities as I shelter in place and practice social distancing with my wife and our three children. As you can imagine, that’s a lot of energy for one household, and I know there are families out there like mine trying to figure out what normalcy looks like.
So, in celebration of Mother’s Day, I want to share some tips that have helped bring my family closer together and give me peace of mind while working from home.

Mom pro tip No. 1: Get some fresh air
With most of us still stuck at home, it can get a little stuffy. That makes it crucially important to go outside, get some fresh air and feel the warmth of the sun. If you’re tired of working at the kitchen table or from your couch, take your office outside. And while you’re at it, invite your children to join you. I set up our patio bistro table in the driveway so I can watch the kids while they play. They love to draw with chalk on the driveway while I work.

Mom pro tip No. 2: Get your hands dirty
As a ScottsMiracle-Gro associate, gardening is in my DNA. But I value this hobby now more than ever. There are countless health and wellness benefits to gardening, and my girls love it. We spent last Saturday planting seeds and creating DIY seed markers. The best part is this activity will keep us busy for weeks as we water the seeds and watch them grow. It’s a win-win.
For some great ideas on how to teach kids about gardening, and keep them learning and active outside, check out ScottsMiracle-Gro’s Gro More Good Learning Activities.

Mom pro tip No. 3: Embrace work-life balance
This is a big topic nowadays and it’s especially important as the lines blur between when the workday ends and family time begins. Before I start my day, my wife and I align our work calendars and map out an education plan for our 9-year-old and our 4-year-old twins in order to keep them busy learning as we work. Once the clock hits 5 p.m., we try to make it family time. Cooking together has become a great way to bond. I’ve even had success convincing my children to eat vegetables like brussels sprouts, something they wouldn’t have touched before.

Mom pro tip No. 4: Let it go
Your kids are going to butt in on your conference calls, the house is going to get messy, and don’t even get me started on screen time. You might want to sit down for this one, but…Let. It. Go. That’s become our family motto. If the pandemic has reminded us of anything, it’s that life is precious. Try to enjoy this special time you have together and take advantage of the slower pace and extra time at home. It won’t last forever.
So, cheers to all the moms out there. Have the best Mother’s Day ever. You deserve it!