Cold Creations: Seed Art
Summary: In winter, our senses can become deprived. We no longer hear the sound of birds, smell the dirt, or see the vibrant colors of flowers. Let’s bring a little color and sound to our senses by creating mosaic seed art.
Before Visiting the Garden:
- Gather: Seeds of all shapes, sizes, and colors, cardstock, tempera paint, pencil, paint brushes, glue, and small containers with lids for sorting and shaking.
- Explore: Images of the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. Pay particular attention to the colorful exterior mosaics.
- Read: Pezzittino by Leo Lionni
In the Garden:
The garden can feel empty in winter. But winter is an essential pause in the cycle of growing and tending. It is a time for the garden to catch its breath while we, the gardeners, begin to prepare for spring. We can bring a little energy and noise to the garden with a winter seed project.
Questions to Explore:
- What colors can you find in the garden?
- What noises do you hear?
- Can you make some sounds? Hint: stomp on some ice, squeak your boot in the snow, or rustle some dry leaves
- Are there any other sights or sounds that you see/hear in winter that are different than the sights and sounds of summer?
- Depending on the temperature in the garden, you can do this activity in the garden or head home to get creative. If it is warm enough to take gloves off, begin by sorting the seeds you brought into the different containers. You can sort by color, shape, size, or texture. Grasping the small seeds is a great activity for your little gardener as they practice that important pincer grip.
- Once you have your seeds sorted, put lids on the containers and spend a little time practicing different rhythms and beats with your shakers, filling the garden with a little joyful noise.
- Next, grab your cardstock and pencil. Outline a simple design with input from your gardener. Take the glue and begin affixing the seeds onto your picture. You can add additional brightness to your seed mosaic by painting over the seeds with the tempera paint.
Beyond the Garden | Share the Love, or Seeds!
It may be too cool to plant any seeds in the soil but you can make a bird very happy by sharing your seed bounty with this simple feeder: forage a pinecone. Tie a string around the pinecone, then slather it with peanut butter (or lard, if your gardener has allergies), and roll the pinecone through birdseed. Hang it outside your window, and enjoy the birds that come for a winter feast.
Continue Exploring | Supporting Materials
Use this resource to identify any birds that come for a visit: