Search Results for: Is Miracle-Gro good for all types of plants

The Legacy Project

Impacting the next generation of youth Committed to nurturing a next generation of leaders, problem-solvers and entrepreneurs….

Our Purpose

Water-efficient products from Scotts, Miracle-Gro and Bonnie Plants

…Moisture Control® Potting Mix Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food Miracle-Gro® specialty garden soils Miracle-Gro Organic™ All Natural Mulch Native plants Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender, and more from Bonnie Plants….

How much kindness can 10,000 plants grow?

Sometimes we need a reminder of what we’re all about, why we do what we do at ScottsMiracle-Gro. As a company, we’re committed to GroMoreGood everywhere. This week, we just…

Winter | Plants: Infants & Toddlers

Cold Creations: Seed Art Summary: In winter, our senses can become deprived. We no longer hear the sound of birds, smell the dirt, or see the vibrant colors of flowers….

Fall | Plants: Pre-K and Kindergarten

Harvest: How Much? Summary: Today we will gather some of the juicy garden produce and explore some different ways to measure how much produce we have collected. Before Visiting the…

Fall | Plants: Grades 1-3

…not look like a shovel but math is a tool to help gardeners decide what plants are the most productive and to learn which plants need the most space. They…

Fall | Plants: Infants & Toddlers

Harvest: How Tall? Summary: Just as our plants are growing, so too are our tiny gardeners. As our plants near harvest, we will compare the height of our plants to…

Summer | Plants: Grades 1-3

Pruning: Putting our Plants in their Place Summary: Is all plant growth, good growth? We want our plants to grow and thrive but sometimes we have to cut plants back,…

Summer | Plants: Pre-K-Kindergarten

…to get low to check out the soil in and around our plants. Good soil is essential for our plants, but it can also attract some other plants—the kind that…